NABU RetroNET Cloud GUI is a graphical file manager shell for Cloud CP/M. You will find the RetroNET Cloud GUI on the Cloud CP/M A: drive in User Area #1
1) Select Cloud CP/M from the NABU Internet Adapter
2) Restart or turn on the NABU PC
3) The Cloud CPM BIOS Loader will display, download the BIOS and load it into the NABU high memory
*Note: If this is the first time you have loaded Cloud CP/M, or if the cloud A: or B: has been updated, they will be downloaded to ensure you have the latest content and updates.
4) When you are at the A:0> prompt, type USER 1 [enter]
5) At the A:1> prompt, type CLOUDGUI[enter]
How To Use Cloud GUI
How To Use Cloud GUI
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Re: How To Use Cloud GUI
Not sure what I'm missing. I can load cloudgui without any problems and go through the basics of logging into drive/user areas. However, none of the selected actions on files actually do anything. Example: Open drive A: and drive C:. Select a file in A:, then hit 'Edit', 'C' to copy. Exactly nothing happens. Ditto for erase or anything else.