Two issues to discuss:
ISSUE 1: Compilation ERRORS
As mentioned here: as well as in my own independent discovery, it looks like an update to Z88DK post May 2023 causes anything including NABU-LIB.h to fail.
I did a bit of research into it and was not able to find the specific commit on Z88DK that causes the issue for us. Instead, I tracked down the inline assembly that triggers the error.
For example: ... -LIB.c#L56
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
^---- ld ( 0xff00 + 4), hl
^---- ldh(4),hl
../../../tetris/tetris.c:2264: error: syntax error
Code: Select all
ld (0xFF04), hl;
ISSUE 2: Compiler Warnings
The compiler now does not like functions without proper prototypes. I believe this relates to the version of the C standard supported. I don't recall which version, but do recall reading something about it.
Code: Select all
../../NABU-LIB/NABULIB/NABU-LIB.h:394: warning 283: function declarator with no prototype
Code: Select all
int mySnowflakeFunction(void) {
DJ, Do you want a pull request? Or would you like to investigate the strange syntax error for that inline assembly?
I don't think that hardcoding those 0xFF04, 0xFF06 values is a problem. But it would be good for you to confirm it too.