The new retronet client and server supports conversation history. When you first join, the last 10 messages are displayed so you can catch up in the convo. After that, you can press CTRL-H to view the help. Previous history conversations can be displayed with /1 /2 /3 /4 or /5. It's explained in the help
Also, for those who use telnet, there's an 80 column mode. When you join, you'll have to send P for 80 column after the initialization string.
Retronet chat client is updated in A: User Area 1 of cloud cpm. (may have to press RESET on the NABU if you haven't rebooted since the update to get the latest drive)
Chat server 0.8b & client 3.9b
Re: Chat server 0.8b & client 3.9b
That’s because Ctrl-h is a client command.