I would like to introduce my MCLZ8 project which is a Z80 drop-in emulator that uses a Teensy 4.1 and a small PCB. It is cycle accurate, passes the Z80 ZEXALL tests, and has enough power and resources to emulate the CPU and local bus interface as well as the motherboard RAM and ROM. It can also operate in a few accelerated modes.
I have used it successfully in an Osborne-1, a TRS-80 Model III and a NABU in both cycle-accurate and accelerated modes as well as a few other unique projects.
The MCLZ8 can also be used as an in-circuit debugger which can trigger and trace Z80 instructions, or it can be used to simply generate reads and writes to addresses on the motherboard through the Z80 local bus. Debug information is sent to the host laptop over the Teensy's USB-UART.
Here are some of my WordPress blog entries which demonstrate the MCLZ8:
https://microcorelabs.wordpress.com/202 ... model-iii/
https://microcorelabs.wordpress.com/202 ... lications/
https://microcorelabs.wordpress.com/202 ... eleration/
https://microcorelabs.wordpress.com/202 ... ith-mclz8/
https://microcorelabs.wordpress.com/202 ... -the-nabu/
https://microcorelabs.wordpress.com/202 ... the-mclz8/
https://microcorelabs.wordpress.com/202 ... the-mclz8/
All of my project files are on GitHub: https://github.com/MicroCoreLabs/Projects
