Hello from Texas

New members, introduce yourselves here and post a picture of your NABU setup.
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Hello from Texas

Post by memenesia »

I am still waiting for my NABU, but I feel quite fortunate to have stumbled upon this community at such an early stage, I find this whole thing particularly blessed to have people like Leo and DJ Sure around who have such deep connections to the machines, software environment, and company. The output from this passionate group is truly amazing. I have watched all your videos.

My background includes the VIC-20, C64 and I have recently dived head-first into resurrecting my old 8bit machines. I have nearly recreated my childhood set up, though still need to get my VIC-20 and Gorilla Banana printer working. But something about the NABU and the network is highly attractive to me. I have always been interested in computers, but didn't really get into programming until I saw the internet for the first time at college in the mid-90s. From there I was hooked, and have been programming in many capacities over the years. I've worked on some big machines in my day, HPC machines - including a IBM BlueGene; in my daily work I am regular on SMP machines that boast >100 real cores and hundreds of GBs of RAM. But it seems nothing compares to the environment presented in these 8 bit machines, and I mean real one. Emus are fine but the fact that I can understand the full scope of these "limited" machines and touch them with my hands really appeals to me.

It is my hope that the "retro-computing" thing is a major correction in the world at large, and that systems like NABU can bring about an internet-like thing that makes it easy for human to make good decisions about what they do and consume, limited by resources to act as guide posts that lead us to the good and the beautiful.

Unlike the "modern" internet which is virtually infinite and brings about the worst mankind has to offer (and consume). In the recent past, I have looked to "old" protocols like GOPHER as a way to reverse the pandora's box of the commercial internet; but the toothpaste seems to be out of that tube. I would love to see NABU network be just a tool, an "internet" for real humans (and maybe dumb ai that everyone knows is just linear algebra tricks x) ). I mean who needs more than 64k, am I right? :lol:

Be well, good people. I can't contribute much technically here, maybe in the future when I learn the system. But that day shall come and I am looking forward to it.
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Re: Hello from Texas

Post by superbenk »

In the same boat as you with a similar background though I went down the road of systems administration rather than programming. I’m also trying to collect examples of computers from my past & agree that while I never heard of it before, the NABU definitely intrigues me. Such an interesting & unique history - feels like finding some obscure & rare treasure from the past.

Enjoy the NABU & welcome to the community!
- Ben
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Re: Hello from Texas

Post by LeoBinkowski »

Hiya meme,

Thanks for watching. I hope we keep you entertained!
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