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How To Use Cloud CP/M

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 6:04 am
by DJ Sures
I am introducing Cloud CP/M 2.2 operating system for the NABU PC. This CP/M can use the NABU PC with the BIOS that I created. The BIOS uses a remote filesystem on the PC by the communication protocol extensions that I created for the NABU. The Cloud CPM includes two drives (A: and B:), with games, software, utilities, and more.

Q. Is an internet connection required?
Yes and No. When Cloud CP/M is first loaded, it will download the necessary files, which are also the most recent. It will download the loader, BIOS, A: Drive, and B: Drive. These files are cached on your computer and only re-downloaded when updated remotely. Once the files have been downloaded, you can use Cloud CP/M without an internet connection.

Q. Are My files On The Cloud?
No, contrary to the name "cloud," the only files in the cloud are the BIOS, Loader, A: Drive, and B: Drive. The files are downloaded to your computer and stored in the RetroNET Temp folder of the Internet Adapter. These files are only re-downloaded when an update has occurred on the server. This ensures you experience the latest updates and new features.

Q. Are my local files private?
Yes, please take this answer from me because others are spreading incorrect information. Your files are not uploaded or stored in the cloud and remain on your computer.

Q. Is there a security risk of files being uploaded to the cloud?
Again, an uneducated source claiming to be a “security expert” is spreading incorrect information about Cloud CP/M. There are absolutely no files uploaded from your computer to the server. This is primarily because I do not wish to pay for storing your files - and it would be slow and require a dedicated internet connection.

How To Use
1) Select the Cloud CP/M option from the Internet Adapter NABU Channel list

2) Turn the NABU PC on, and it will load

3) When you receive the A:0> prompt, type HELP for a list of commands

4) You can also type SUMMARY for a list of drive contents